Our Mission

Do Better, Be Better, & Create Better.

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Our Manifesto

Memorandum to You

February 14, 2024

We at BETTER BÅLLS believe that this is AMERICAN LUXURY:

Luxury should be durable.
luxury should be practical.
luxury should be functional.
luxury should be versatile.
luxury should be comfortable.
luxury should be up lifting.
luxury should work with nature
luxury should promote wellbeing.
luxury can be passed down and re-used.
luxury does not follow trends.
luxury is visionary.
luxury speaks for itself.
luxury does not need excessive sales tactics. luxury just is.
luxury is cross-generational.
luxury takes care and is a part of ecosystems.
luxury enables craftsmanship.
luxury is supporting talent.
luxury is independent.
luxury asks questions.
luxury is a community & family.
luxury tantalizes all the senses.
luxury gets better over time.
luxury is not a person or a name.
luxury looks beyond the façade.
luxury is not wasteful.
luxury is never “perfect”.
luxury is powerful - not forceful.
luxury facilitates synchronicity.
luxury raises consciousness.
luxury enables you to question the status quo.
luxury pushes you to the extraordinary.
luxury stimulates the imagination & learning.
luxury delights.
luxury is trust.
luxury is a service.
luxury is love.
luxury is freedom.
luxury is confidence.
luxury is developing your own taste.
luxury does not need to be explained.
luxury has intrinsic value.
luxury is leadership.
luxury appreciates uniqueness.
luxury does not judge.
luxury is not a label.
luxury is creating your own destiny.
luxury is creating a legacy.
luxury is living.
luxury knows no borders & is limitless.
luxury is not just european.
luxury is transcendental.
luxury is timeless.
luxury is self-respect.
luxury flows effortlessly.
luxury just makes sense.
luxury is acceptance.
luxury is courageous.
luxury is speaking your truth.
luxury takes responsibility.
luxury does not need to overthink.
luxury is jargon free.
luxury is empathy.
luxury is creating.
luxury embraces passion.
luxury is within.
luxury is not empty promises.
luxury should not disappoint.
luxury should be used.
luxury should not evoke fear.
luxury is not redundant.
luxury is noble.
luxury is just.
luxury is fair.
luxury is not vulgar.
luxury is not mediocre.
luxury is going fully for life
luxury is survival.
luxury embraces the cyclical nature of life.
luxury is not mundane.
luxury is being yourself.
luxury does not get trapped.
luxury challenges.
luxury evolves.
luxury utilizes the best of nature & technology.
luxury is harmonious.
luxury is balance.
luxury takes calculated risks.
luxury is not about a price tag.
luxury is becoming who you were born to be.
luxury is being united.
luxury is playful.
luxury is joyful.
luxury is patient.

luxury should be normal for all
luxury is: what we all deserve